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We all remember the iconic song from Blue's Clues that goes, "We just got a letter." But the younger generation won't get to hear that song in an episode of Blues Clues. Now it's, "We just got an email." Don't believe me? Click Blue!



Are We Really Getting That Old?

By: Haivyn Nelson

Back in 2015 the average age to get a cell phone was 14. Now most kids get a phone at the age of 11. 1 out of 5 kids will have their first phone at age 8!

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Bob the Builder came out in 1998 and was a hit throughout our childhood. They recreated it in 2019 but Bob the Builder's a little different. He has a phone! This is a huge change to our childhood show and it makes us all feel old!

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We all remember watching Sesame Street and learning from Elmo, but his choice of teaching isn't like it used to be. He now uses computers and other electronics to look things up on instead of figuring them out on his own.

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Do you remember going to the store to go clothes or shoe shopping with your parents? Younger kids won't make as many memories like that since all their shoppings online! 69% of Americans shop online the majority of the time, and 25% at least shop online once a month.

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To answer my question, yes I believe we are growing up too fast! 

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