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By:Danika Pasley

How Does This "Magic" Water Help You Stay Safe?

Tersano water is the sanitizing solution that keeps us all safe. Tersano is the sanitizer that we switched out from the Solution 16. You all may wonder why and how it works?


Solution 16 was in the pink colored bottle “chemical based you had to wear gloves if you are the user of the solution,” shared Mr.Kimmi.


Before Covid you didn’t know water can be turned into sanitizer. “How can just spraying water on something make it sterilize” quoted Mrs. Bigler, the Publications teacher.


It is ozonated water which is like antibacterial soap made to sanitize and get rid of bacteria. It has 99.99% water and .01% ozone. Ozone is a powerful oxidising agent which, when dissolved in water, produces a broad spectrum biocide that destroys all bacteria, viruses and cysts. 


They also say it’s safe to drink if you want to know more visit this site.


It happens to be a lot safer because it has NO chemicals in it. That’s why the person using it, spraying it or even touching it are safe and don’t have to wear gloves. 


Kelly Case, an important part of the janitorial staff, has been here for two years. He has to refill the bottles every day after school he shared “I just flip a switch on the machine..that has two filters.” 

Sanitizing Surfaces
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