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A Homecoming To Be Remembered

Emma Adams

With the pandemic of Covid-19 ever growing and changing, we as a school have had to implement many changes, more specifically, around our beloved Homecoming. Changes revolving around our Homecoming dance, parade, and pep rally, or lack thereof. With all the new regulations coming out from the Ottawa County Health Department, we've had to cancel and change almost everything we have known about Homecoming from years past. So, with all these changes, how can we have a convivial Homecoming? 

Taking a break from the exhausting list of differences, let’s take a look at things that are
still the same. Every year, our Cheerleaders take the time to come up with our “Dress Up” days the week of homecoming. Thankfully, that has stayed the same. From “Nerd Day” to “Disco Day”, many of our students went all out in costumes each day of the week to display school spirit. Though many participated, a few went the extra mile to show school spirit, including; Kayden Presnell, Raven Peterson, Mallorie Church, Kaela VanDoren, and Danika Pasley.
Another annual activity that remained was the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen. Although unable to be escorted by their classmates, the seniors walked across the field with their parents to be crowned.  The senior students on the Homecoming Court have made many memories throughout their years at Tescott Schools. Katie said hers was making floats with class throughout the years, Kayden’s was pushing Kylie in P.E. and breaking her hand. Kylie, though, recalled one very specific memory from when we were much younger. “Back when we were in preschool, our class went to the park across from the school. Braydon and I were swinging on the swing set, when he looked me dead in the eyes and said, ‘This doesn’t make us friends.’”
With the limited number of senior students this year taken into consideration, we had four King candidates and three candidates for Queen. With Braydon Peterson and Katy Perry winning King and Queen. 
Although many things have changed about this week, many things still made the week fun. From crazy costumes, to meeting up with previous THS alumni, despite the changes, this year’s homecoming was definitely one to remember.

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